
Bapuji's gallery

Baupji’s Gallery

See how 19-year-old Chandra changed over the years from a bearded young sadhak to the revered HH Swami Kripalvandanji in his final photograph, just months before his death in 1981.

Audio of Bapuji


Swami Kripalu was known for his many compositions of bhajans and his resonant voice while chanting traditional verses. Close your eyes and listen as he intones the ancient prayers.

Videos of Bapuji


Although home movies of the 1970s contained no soundtracks, this rare footage of Swami Kripalu in America are treasured films.

Bapuji in the press


Swami Kripalu received wide coverage for drawing audiences in the thousands. See vintage clippings from the U.S. and India.

Bapuji's Chants


Over his lifetime, Swami Kripalu wrote hundreds of chants. Read the transliterations and translations.